Tuesday 15 May 2012

Boozy Weekend

Had a family party this weekend! Plenty of protein powder and a good chest workout on the Sunday! This notion of bettering the last workout seems to be sticking in my mind and is almost becoming second nature. I am recording the weight or rep that I need to beat and I am using small increments in weight or reps. I am also seeing definite signs of improvement in terms of muscle gains and will take a few measurements this coming Thursday. Body fat seems to be the same the readings are staying the same but total body weight is rising. In two weeks time I will take an official reading This will give me a good indication as to whether I am really gaining muscle or not.

I have also bee doing some reading on protein powders and how they are made, which I would like to discuss in a later post. This has led me to looking at the quality and value of some protein powders ……………. If they even work!

There seem to be an enormous rage of producers and suppliers of bodybuilding supplements and protein powders in the UK and for that matter all over the world. But there are technical quotes and claims about products that I will be looking at. If protein powder is successful for me I will be looking for the best value one. There are many to choose from and this program I am undertaking will be going on for at least two years I think.

Here is what I am looking for in order should protein powder actually work. ( should it not I will be looking at natural foods only )

  • Value
  • Quality
  • Delivery
  • Customer Service
  • Taste

Ta ta for now, Biceps tonight

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