Sunday 20 May 2012

Here is a very important training fact for all those who impatient. Muscle breakdown while training happens at a microscopic level. This means that the repair also happens at a microscopic level. You can kind of see the time that needs to pass in repeating g this process to make any kind of significant gain. But I have got my head around this fact and before training I take a moment to remember that this workout has to be better than the last. I may even print something out or right something on the wall to remind me.

But could you imagine doing all this and then the protein powder being a waste of time, surely this stuff works. All I want to do at the moment is grow and find out what actually works so I don’t have to waste my time in the future.

Of course the other big question and this is one that I must find the answer to is how long does it take for muscle to repair so I can hit it again.

I am also looking to try a few different brands of protein powder to find one that I really like.

Have a good weekend.

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